Winding Down...

 These past few weeks I have been slowly winding down my studies, as I am finalizing results from experiments, as well as preparing for a presentation.

 At the end of the 10 weeks of the Summer Research Internship Program, my cohort and I will give a 15 minute presentation about our summer research. In addition, I am writing an abstract that summarizes my findings. Therefore, I have been spending my time analyzing and constructing my presentation and abstract. 

A little bit about me is that I love art and it has always been a passion of mine. I like to tie my artistic skills into science whenever I can, so I have been creating biological illustrations for my presentation. This photo highlights the process of degranulation of Mast Cell Tryptase. I will be using this illustration in my presentation to show the relevance of studying Tryptase to understand the connection between Atherosclerosis and Alpha-Gal Syndrome.


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